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sexta-feira, 14 de maio de 2010

“I’ve just seen a face I can’t forget the time or place where we just met…” (Lennon-McCartney)

What’s with the memory of places we’ve been and people we’ve met?

There must be a way to save that piece of thought, that byte of memory that lies misplaced in the hard drive of our brain into the right directory. Locked, and bound, and retrievable as it was originally set up to be.

I say that because I feel the value and perception of each and every bit of what we recall changes as fast as I try to finish this very sentence.

The sweetness of a look, the candid expression created by that dimple in her face, it all revolves about the scenario set for that imprint. Try this recipe of experiment: Ask someone to recollect his or her most precious moment in terms of related feeling, jot that down and leave it to rest. Return to the oven of that image a year later, and redo the whole process.

Try that one more time a year later and afterwards get the three pieces together to compare them. Do you know what you are going get? This: The value imposed to that thought and recollection will have changed. The creation and narrative core may still be the same, but actually, it is the teller who is not.

Acknowledging the weight of that feeling, anytime we approach it, we tend to reconnect to our core values and beliefs and, like a painter who does not allow himself to let the wall paint of his living room to grow old and full of stains, we apply another layer of feeling to that piece of mind fabrication.

And, come to think of it, it is all a momentary fabrication, a sweet but yet, fleet snapshot of a feeling. Funny thing is, I feel we are, as player on a Shakespearian stage of life, the sum of those snapshots. Not a regular linear sum, though. It is more like a web, a tapestry woven with a myriad of textiles we collect upon our walk on earth. The image produced by such tapestry work might inspire our fellow man and vice versa - Exchange and interaction.

And on I go, in search of the next click of my senses, or yours.

Note: Check the lyrics of the beautiful song by Carole King, “Tapestry” at ou na seção "Músicas que eu gosto".

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