Lots of things are going on in the world these days. Every possible path is being trodden. People looking for things, trying to reach within the micro cosmos of their daily routine the so called soul of the planet.
Art is, for that concpt, always acting as a Queen bee jam, a melting pot of thoughts, actions and creative sparks to go with.
I have often wondered when and how such creative spark comes out of nowhere to light the void of our dissatisfaction.
Never really got a glimpse of it, though, except that, in terms, that’s what creation is all about, filling voids, in space and time, making sensitive bridges with data stored in our minds.
Each and every bit of information worked, processed, reconfigured and spit back from ourselves can be artistic in that way.
Fractal thoughts in a chaos amalgam.
That’s funny how every one’s talking about cloning people.
Looks are deceiving, that’s said and known. We can feasibly reproduce the sequence of DNA cells to come up with an identical carbon copy of someone, but how do you set up, and the word may fit the situation, the same sequence of information that has struck upon a being since the moment of that first slap on the bottom, the tiny tear rolling down the cheek, the casual meeting of our beloved one, a smile on the street, a different corner. That’s the dynamic of it all .
As we keep asking questions, actively working on our inner worlds let us not forget to rejoice on the thought of sharing the gift of existence, its oneness, built on a daily basis, but certainly everlasting.
CBP MAY, 1997
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